google scholar or research gate. To stay updated on this list you can follow my work on
Williams JL., (in press). Plastron trade: Emerging threat or dwindling trade? Africa Sea Turtle Newsletter.
Book chapter: Williams JL. (in press) Working with Small-Scale Fishers in the South-West Indian Ocean to Understand Illegal Take, Trade, and Use of Sea Turtles. In 'Sea Turtles: Field Research and Conservation'. Nahill B. (Eds).
Fernandes, RS., GE. Inteca, JL. Williams, A. Taju, L. Muaves, & M.A.M. Pereira (2020). Monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique: Annual report 2018/19. 36 pp. Maputo, CTV.
Williams JL, Pierce SJ, Hamann M, Fuentes MMMPB (2019). Using expert opinion to identify and determine the relative impact of threats to sea turtles in Mozambique. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (11):1936-1948.
Williams JL & NJ Pilcher, 2018. Assessment of the status, scope and trends of the legal and illegal international trade in sea turtles, its conservation impacts, management options and mitigation priorities in Madagascar. Report to the CITES Secretariat Project S-527. SSFA/2018/DKA. 64pp
Pilcher NJ & J Williams, 2018. Assessment of the status, scope and trends of the legal and illegal international trade in marine turtles, its conservation impacts, management options and mitigation priorities in Mozambique. Report to the CITES Secretariat Project S-527. SSFA/2018/DKA. 64pp.
Fernandes, R.S., Williams J.L., Gonzalez-Valladolid S., Muaves L. & Pereira M.A.M. P (2018). Monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique: Annual report 2017/18. 36 pp. Maputo, CTV.
Natalie E Wildermann, Christian Gredzens, Larisa Avens, Héctor A Barrios-Garrido, Ian Bell, Janice Blumenthal, Alan B Bolten, Joanne Braun McNeill, Paolo Casale, Maikon Di Domenico, Camila Domit, Sheryan P Epperly, Matthew H Godfrey, Brendan J Godley, Victoria González-Carman, Mark Hamann, Kristen M Hart, Takashi Ishihara, Kate L Mansfield, Tasha L Metz, Jeffrey D Miller, Nicolas J Pilcher, Mark A Read, Christopher Sasso, Jeffrey A Seminoff, Erin E Seney, Amanda Southwood Williard, Jesús Tomás, Gabriela M Vélez-Rubio, Matthew Ware, Jessica L Williams, Jeanette Wyneken, Mariana MPB Fuentes (2018) Informing research priorities for immature sea turtles through expert elicitation. Endang Species Res 37:55-76.
Fernandes RS, Williams JL, Gonzalez, Muaves L., Louro CMM, & Pereira MAM (2017). Monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique: Annual report 2016/17. September 2017, 30 pp. Maputo, CTV.
Williams JL. (2017) Illegal Take and Consumption of Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in Madagascar and Mozambique. African Sea Turtle Newsletter 7: 25-28.
Williams JL. (2017) Multidisciplinary insights into the conservation and biology of sea turtles in Mozambique. Doctoral thesis, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, QLD, Australia. 358 pp.
Williams JL, Pierce SJ, Rohner CA, Fuentes MMPB and Hamann M (2017) Spatial Distribution and Residency of Green and Loggerhead Sea Turtles Using Coastal Reef Habitats in Southern Mozambique. Front. Mar. Sci. 3:288. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00288.
Williams J.L., Pierce S.J., Fuentes M.M.P.B. and Hamann M. (2016) The tradition of take: sea turtle consumption in Dovela, Mozambique. African Sea Turtle Newsletter 5: 27- 31.
Williams J.L., Pierce S.J., Fuentes M.M.P.B. and Hamann M. (2015). Effectiveness of recreational divers for monitoring sea turtles. Endangered Species Research 26: 209-219.
Fernandes, R. S., Williams J., Trindade J. & Pereira M. A. M. (2015). Monitoria, marcação e conservação de tartarugas marinhas em Moçambique: relatório anual 2014/15. 21 pp. Maputo, CTV.
Fernandes, R.S., Williams J., Trindade J. & Pereira M.A.M (2015) Marine turtles in Mozambique: Results from the 2014/2015 nesting season. 2014/15. 21 pp. Maputo, CTV.
Pereira, M. A. M., C. Litulo, R. Santos, M. Leal, R. S. Fernandes, Y. Tibiriçá, J. Williams, B. Atanassov, F. Carreira, A. Massingue & I. Marques da Silva (2014). Mozambique marine ecosystems review. Final report submitted to Fondation Ensemble. 139 pp. Maputo, Biodinâmica/CTV.
Fernandes R., Williams J., Louro C. & Pereira M.A. (2014) Monitoria, marcação e conservação de tartarugas Marinhas em Moçambique: relatório Anual 2013/14. Maputo. CTV.
Williams J.L (2013) Moving Mozambique’s Sea Turtles Off the Dinner Menu: Using World Turtle Day as a Tool to Deliver Critical Education and Outreach Programs. African Diver Issue 27.
Williams J.L (2013) Searching for practical solutions to sea turtle poaching in Mozambique. (Feature Article) African Diver, Issue 26.
Williams J.L. (2012) How sea turtles get sexy. Submerge, SCUBA Diving magazine, South Africa. June-July 2012.
Gekoski A. and Williams J.L. (2012) Turtles in Turmoil. Divesite Magazine, South Africa. July 2012.