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My Research INterests

sea turtle



My research speciality is sea turtle conservation biology. My PhD thesis is entitled Multidisciplinary insights into sea turtle conservation biology in Mozambique.

Citizen Science


I have expertise in using citizen science for advancing marine conservation baseline data or sustaining environmental monitoring programmes.

Marine Debris +



I am interested in advancing the baseline for marine debris and microplastics in Mozambique and promoting sustainable, recyclable plastic-free alternatives.




Developing suitable and sustainable alternative livelihood options for coastal people in Mozambique is a research and conservation interest of mine.






Community outreach through hands on activities to inspire stewardship of the marine and coastal environment.

Arts to Inspire





Using arts to inspire and educate people about marine biodiversity and conservation. 

Combining wildlife and scientific illustration with artivism.

Illegal take +


UsE of Wildlife

Understanding illegal take and use of marine wildlife through both quantitative and qualitative means. I would like to continue and expand this research within Mozambique and throughout the region.

ECO -Tours

If you like science, nature and the outdoors come join me and we can investigate and explore together.

Tartarugas para o amanhÃ


I founded Tartarugas para o Amanhã (TPA) in 2012 as a Mozambican registered organisation to run my sea turtle conservation and research activities through. It's a small organisation for marine focused conservation, research and outreach. TPA is available for collaborative projects or consulting. 

If you are interested in reading more about past work or following my work then please check the TPA website through the button below.

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© 2020 Jess Williams.  

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