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Using biological illustration to engage and advance conservation.
I'm looking for a way to engage those who might not typically feel connected to a photograph, that might not pause to consider the details, shape, the texture of a particular creature, let alone it's astounding value to the planet.
Everything has a value and most of the world chases after the economic or monetary value and what ecosystem services an animal, plant or ecological community can provide us humans as the consumer. But why are we always so quick to skip over the value of the intrinsic right for wildlife to exist. Why are wild places and creatures not just treasured for existing? How did it become more or less socially acceptable for the world to possess, perpetuate and promulgate distorted, egotistical and self-serving values rather than consider the value of maintaining biodiversity for
intergenerational equity?
But maybe, just maybe if nothing else these illustrations will help to inform, educate, inspire, bemuse and awaken.
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